On the second day of the yatra, in the morning, the padyatris transvered from Aslali to Jetalpur and arrived at the 200-year-old ancient Swaminarayan temple. Hon'ble Union MoS (IC) Ministry of Culture & Tourism Shri Prahlad Singh Patel and the walking contingent was warmly welcomed by officials of the Swami Narayan Temple and undertook a divine darshan.
A large crowd of people and children lined up on both sides of the road and enthusiastically welcomed the padyatris by waving flags and holding up placards with welcome and motivating messages. Young children dressed as Gandhiji formed part of the welcome contingent. The afternoon halt and rest was at the town of Bareja, located about 20 km from Ahmedabad.
The journey then moved forward to Navagram in Kheda district, where the Minister, MOC garlanded the statue of Gandhiji and witnessed a dance drama based on concept of cleanliness.