On the morning of the fifth day, the padyatra started from Nadiad to Anand. People of the city welcomed pedestrians by showering rose petals. Standing on either side of the road, the entire road was covered with rose petals. The walk party also received the blessings of the elderly priests of the Sri Jagadamba temple and the Swamis of the Swaminarayan Gurukul also bestowed blessings on the contingent walking to Dandi.
When the padyatris were passing through Amritasam, the local residents offered them cold water and lemonade to provide respite from the heat. Under the leadership of Swami Vivekananda Gujarat State Youth Board Anand District Coordinator Mr. Chiragbhai Jogi, more than two hundred youth welcomed the yatra in Anand district.
Later, all the members participating in the walk stopped for rest in the historically important dharamshala where Gandhiji had once held a meeting. This place is known as "Bapu's Otlo". The marble statue of Mahatma Gandhi was garlanded before moving towards the Kumarshala campus for lunch.
The welcome on entering Lambwell village of Anand was unforgettable. There was a grand reception with flowers. The youths from the National Service Scheme members under the guidance of the unit's mentor Mr. Karthik Jagtap, received a warm welcome as soon as they entered the city. After covering a distance of 15-km of the padyatra, DN Patel of Anand arrived at the school, where he was warmly welcomed. Here the padyatris relished delicious Gujarati food and stayed for the night to rest.