Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation for the development of Sports for children and Adults with Intellectual & Development Disabilities (IDD), recognized by the Government of India. The organization has launched “National Health Fest for Divyangjan – We care”. Celebrating 75 years of Indian Government, we have launched a campaign under Amrit Mahotsav – “Return-to-play – Inclusion Revolution” to bring our athletes with IDD back to the sports field after two years of the pandemic.
Special Olympics Bharat plans to conduct health screening of 75000 children and adults with IDD across the country on 5th & 7th April 2022; celebrating World Health Day. The health screenings will be held in Oral Care, Nutrition, and Fitness as per the Special Olympics Healthy Athlete Protocols.
Healthy Athletes is a Special Olympics program that provides quality health care to the Special Athletes along with training health care professionals with increased knowledge of and compassion for People with Intellectual Disabilities. We will be training your students (virtually & practically) in special care to sensitize them to working with patients with special needs through our esteemed Clinical Directors.
Program Design for Amrit Mahotsav – 5th & 7th April 2022:
Screenings and training to be conducted at various locations in selected and discussed locations of 113 cities.
The athletes will be educated through Health Promotion and screened in one discipline of either the Special Smiles or Opening Eyes program. Selection of Health Discipline will be based on partnerships availability and capacity to screen the number of athletes.
FIT5 programs will be held in all locations, leveraging the FIT India Movement across the cities.
Website Link-https://specialolympicsbharat.org/azadi-ka-amrit-mahotsav/