Inclusive Development | Theme 2.0 | Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Government of India.

Inclusive Development

Inclusive Development

Inclusive Development

Inclusive development promotes fair opportunities for all, regardless of social and financial standing, with advantages accruing to each and every segment of society.

Improved access to essential services such as water, sanitation, housing, electricity etc., as well as targeted efforts for underprivileged population shall go a long way in building an even more inclusive India.

Identified Segments for Inclusive Development

  • Tribal and Rural Communities: Awareness about socio-cultural facets of tribal lifestyle; assimilation of communities in society; educating tribal communities at grassroot level; access basic necessities such as clean water, food amenities, sanitation, electricity, network connectivity; connectivity through proper roads; pucca houses; supporting rural communities to achieve self-sufficiency and maximize their potential; introduction to new basic technologies etc.
  • Physically Disabled:  Providing facilities such as wheelchairs and audio-visual aids; installation of ramps and tactical paths for easy accessibility; awareness on inclusion of differently abled in society; training of individuals and professionals on interacting with differently abled; skilling specially-abled, sign language training, etc.
  • Unbanked Sector: Awareness about the importance of bank accounts in rural and tribal areas, financial literacy, awareness about mobile banking etc.
  • Women: Pre- and post-pregnancy care, healthcare, education, childcare, skill-development, opportunities for financial improvement etc.
  • Other: Other communities that can be benefitted through inclusive campaigns

Potential Areas

  • Financial Improvement and Skill Development: Increasing access to opportunities for marginalized community members, skill development (e.g., local and regional art forms, agriculture, dairy farming), raising awareness of new businesses and self-help groups, easy access to financial services such as banks, financial literacy and education etc.
  • Education:Set up camps at remote tribal areas, distribution of books and stationery in backwards regions, organize seminars and workshops at primary and secondary level, training teachers and professionals to visit tribal regions and teaching in vernacular tongue etc.
  • Healthcare and Sanitation: Increase in healthcare services, awareness about personal hygiene, basic knowledge of first-aid, menstrual care, reproductive health, vaccination, awareness about healthy lifestyle, proper disposal of sewerage etc.
  • Childcare: Equal opportunities to learn, chances to practice social skills, interactive sessions/ camps, special schooling for physically disabled children, awareness about equality and diversity, immunization for children etc.
  • Infrastructure Development in Rural and Tribal Areas: Housing, roads, electrification, water supply, waste water management etc.
  • Awareness about Legal Rights and Government Schemes: Awareness about equal pay, working shifts, behavior at workplace, legal age of marriage; leveraging Government schemes such as Antoydaya Anna Yojana (AAY), Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP), Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY), Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM), Direct Benefit Transfer etc.
  • Entrepreneurship: Promoting entrepreneurship by increasing awareness about available resources, awareness about economic independence, safe opportunities for earning livelihood in rural areas etc.
  • Other: Other areas and sectors that promotes inclusive growth and development
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