Matmur Jamoh was born too late Matdung Jamoh of Yagrung Village in the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh in the later part of 19 the century. He was the Gam of his village when in 1908 Noel Williamson, then Assistant Political Officer at Sadiya was touring the Adi (then Abor) hills. When Williamson arrived at Yagrung, Matmur received and presented him with presentations, however, Noel Williamson not only refused to accept the presentation but also abused and insulted him in public. Since then, Matmur was determined to avenge this insult by killing Williamson. Consequently, he started conspiring against the British for intruding into the Adi territory by persuading some of the capable warriors namely, Lotiang Taloh and Popiom Jamoh from Yagrung, Lomlo Darang, and Bapak Jerang from Kebang and Lunrung Tamuk from Panggi village. In March 1911, when Noel Williamson along with Dr.J.D.Gregorson and 44 others visited Adi hills, and Matmur along with his accomplices hatched a plot to kill them. They secretly planned and followed Williamson till Komsing Village for which he could also persuade some people from Rottung and Kebang villages. On 31 March 1911, Matmur along with Namu Nonang and Lunrung Tamuk killed Williamson and his coolies. On 30 March 1911, his other acquaintances from Kebang killed Dr. Gregorson and his coolies at the bank of the Sissen River. Consequently, the British Government sent a punitive expedition to the Adi hills, and a series of battles between Adi and the British. Adis lost the war to the British by December 1911 after the battle at Kekar Monying and Kebang. Matmur surrendered and was trialed before Military Court on 2 April 1912 where he was convicted and sentenced to life transportation to Cellular Jail. His death is not known till today.