देशभक्तीगीत स्पर्धा | आझादी का अमृत महोत्सव | सांस्कृतिक मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार.

देशभक्तीगीत स्पर्धा

स्वतः देशभक्ती गीत लिहा


नवीन, गतिमान आणि तरुण भारताचा स्वर बना

देशभक्तीगीत स्पर्धा

ज्या वेळी आपल्या राष्ट्राला स्वातंत्र्य मिळाले, त्या वेळी आपल्या चैतन्यशील राष्ट्राच्या विविध प्रांतांतील अनेक बोली आणि भाषांमध्ये लिहिलेली संगीत आणि वाद्यांचे ध्वनी ह्यांनी सजलेली अनेक गाणी, बालगीते आणि भजन ह्यांनी प्रत्येक भारतीयाला एकत्र आणले!

देशभक्तीपर गाण्यांनी नेहमीच आपले मनोबल वाढवण्यात आणि राष्ट्रप्रेमाची भावना वाढवण्यात महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावली आहे. ही एक परंपरा आहे जिने आम्हाला राष्ट्रीय कार्यासाठी एकत्र येण्याचे आवाहन केले आहे.

देश स्वातंत्र्याचे ७५ वे वर्ष पूर्ण करत असताना, आपल्या सामूहिक अस्मितेचा अभिमान पुन्हा जागृत करूया. अमृत कालच्या या काळात, आपण नवीन देशभक्तीपर गीते लिहूया जी नव्या भारताच्या भावनेने गुंजन करतील. अमृत महोत्सवातही कला, संस्कृती, गीत, संगीत यांचे रंग नक्कीच भरले पाहिजेत.

भारताच्या राष्ट्रप्रेमी आत्म्याला आवाज देण्याच्या प्रयत्नात, 10+ वयोगटातील प्रत्येक भारतीयाला येथे त्यांच्या प्रवेशिका पाठवण्यासाठी आमंत्रित केले आहे. ही देशभक्तीपर गाणी तुमच्या मातृभाषेत किंवा इंग्रजीतही असू शकतात. या सृजनकृतीतून नव्या भारताचा विचार प्रतिबिंबित होणे आवश्यक आहे; देशाच्या वर्तमान यशाने प्रेरित होऊन, भविष्यासाठी देशाच्या संकल्पाला चालना देणारे असे असावे.

स्पर्धेचे चार टप्पे

स्पर्धेच्या सुरुवातीची तारीख ३१ ऑक्टोबर २०२१
Launch Date
Stage of Competition
टप्पा १
31 ऑक्टोबर ते 15 फेब्रुवारी 2022

तहसील/तालुका स्तर

प्रत्येक जिल्हा या स्पर्धा तहसील/तालुका स्तरावर आयोजित करेल. तहसील/तालुका स्तरावरील स्पर्धा काही इतर तपशीलांसह रचना अपलोड करून डिजिटल पद्धतीने आयोजित केल्या जातील.

Stage of Competition
टप्पा 2

जिल्हा स्तरावर

तहसील/तालुका स्तरावरील सर्वोत्कृष्ट नोंदी निवडल्या जातील आणि त्यांना विशेष गठित ज्युरीद्वारे जिल्हास्तरीय विजेते म्हणून घोषित केले जाईल. जिल्हा स्तरावरील विजेते राज्य / केंद्रशासित प्रदेश स्तरावरील स्पर्धेसाठी पुढे जातील.

Stage of Competition
टप्पा 3


राज्य / केंद्रशासित प्रदेशातील सर्व जिल्हा विजेते राज्य / केंद्रशासित प्रदेश स्तरावरील बक्षिसांसाठी स्पर्धेत उतरतील. प्रत्येक राज्य / केंद्रशासित प्रदेश नंतर विशेष गठित ज्युरीद्वारे निवडले जाणारे राज्यस्तरीय विजेते निवडतील.

Stage of Competition
टप्पा 4

राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर

राज्य / केंद्रशासित प्रदेश स्तरावरील विजेते अंतिम राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील स्पर्धेत भाग घेतील आणि या सहभागींमधून राष्ट्रीय विजेत्यांची निवड विशेष गठित ज्युरीद्वारे केली जाईल.

देशभक्तीगीत स्पर्धेचा निकाल

Sr. No. Full Name State District Rank
1 Thaticharla vijaya durga Andhra Pradesh Kurnool 1
2 Anakha Raju Kerala Idukki 2
3 दीपक वत्स Bihar Begusarai 3
4 Devendra Sharma Madhya Pradesh Agar-Malwa 4
5 Madhur Naik Goa South Goa 5

बक्षिसे आणि पुरस्कार

Get a Chance to be Featured on Mann ki baat
मन की बात मध्ये सहभागी होण्याची संधी मिळवा
Chance to Attend VIP Events
व्ही आय पी कार्यक्रमांना उपस्थित राहण्याची संधी
Exciting Cash Rewards
आकर्षक रोख बक्षिसे

रोख बक्षिसांबद्दल

प्रत्येक जिल्ह्यात तीन विजेते असतील

  • 10,000पहिला
  • 5,000दुसरा
  • 3,000तिसरा

प्रत्येक राज्य/केंद्रशासित प्रदेशात तीन विजेते असतील

  • 1 Lपहिला
  • 75,000दुसरा
  • 50,000तिसरा

राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर पाच विजेते

  • 6 Lपहिला
  • 5 Lदुसरा
  • 4 Lतिसरा
  • 3 Lचौथा
  • 2 Lपाचवा

The entries will start on 31/10/2021 and the national level final will be held on 13/04/2022 (Baisakhi).

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Deshbhakti Geet Competition


Life desires continuous progress, desires development, desires to surpass heights. However much science may advance, however much the pace of progress may be, however grand the buildings may be, life feels incomplete. But when song-music, art, drama-dance, literature is added to these, their aura , their liveliness increases many times. In a way if life has to be meaningful, all these too are as necessary….that is why it is said that all these forms act as a catalyst in our lives, act to enhance our energy. The role of songs – music and other art forms is major in developing the inner self of humans, in creating the path of journey of our inner self. And another strength of these is that neither time nor boundaries can limit them…not even beliefs or discordance can limit these.

At the time when our nation gained Independence, several songs, ballads, and hymns written in the many dialects and languages of our vibrant nation and punctuated by the music and sound of unique instruments from different regions of the country, brought every Indian together!

Patriotic songs have always played an important role in boosting our morale and fostering a spirit of love towards the nation. This, is a tradition that has been our strength whenever we have been called upon to come together for the national cause.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a New India is on the rise – one that takes pride in our nation’s many achievements and its boundless diversity. Not only are we becoming more aware, but are also increasingly taking pride in our historical landmarks as also our present-day achievements.

Be it the mighty Himalayas, the great expanse of the Rann of Kutch or the beautiful Ghats that make up our coastline – the diverse geography, rich history and vibrant demography of India gives each of us a different reason for our affection and admiration towards Maa Bharati.

As the nation marks its 75th year of Independence, let’s rekindle the sense of pride in our collective identity. In this period of Amrit Kaal, let us write new patriotic songs which will reverberate with the spirit of New India. The colours of one’s art, culture, song, music must certainly be filled in Amrit Mahotsav too.

Participate in the ‘Deshbhakti Geet’ contest open for people across India.

Selection Criteria

Be it adolescents or adults, love and devotion towards our motherland has always found a special corner in all our hearts. In an effort to give voice to India’s patriotic soul, every Indian with ages of 10+ is invited to send in their entries here.

These patriotic songs can be in the mother tongue, can be in national language, and can be written in English too. But it is essential that these creations reflect the thought of new India; inspired by the current success of the country, it should be such that fuels the country’s resolve for the future.

The competition will be held in four stages to incentivize local flavours to emerge and be declared winners and also have the chance to compete at district, state and national level.

Tehsil / Taluka Level

Each district will organise these competitions at the Tehsil / Taluka levels. The competition at the Tehsil / Taluka levels will be conducted digitally by uploading the composition along with a few other details.

District Level

The best entries from Tehsil / Taluka levels will be selected and will be declared as District Level Winners by a specially constituted jury.
Winners at the district level will advance to the State / UT level competition.

State / UT Level

All district winners in a State / UT will compete for the State / UT level prizes. Each State / UT will then select the state level winners to be selected by a specially constituted jury.

National level

The State / UT level winners will compete in the final national level competition and from among these participants, national winners will be selected by a specially constituted Jury.

Winning Entries

'Deshbhakti Geet' thus selected as National Winners will be provided a national platform. The winning compositions will be taken up by some of India’s most accomplished artists at a star-studded event hosted by the renowned lyricists and famous singers.

Proposed Timeline

Sr.No. Particular Location Date
1 Launch New Delhi 31/10/2021
2 Tehsil / Taluka Level Digital Participation Website - Virtual Mode 31/10/2021 to 15/02/2022
3 District Level TBD 15/02/ 2022 to 28/02/2022
4 State Level TBD 10/03/2022 to 31/03/2022
5 National Level TBD 13/04/2022

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